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helpful resources

This is a list of some resources you may find helpful. It is by no means a comprehensive list of what may suit your parenting style or goals. Just some of my favourites. It includes books, websites, blogs, organizations to contact etc.


If you're interested in local resources please use my *contact me* page and I will send you a local resource list.




Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves

by Naomi Aldort


Simplicity Parenting

by:  Kim John Payne


Eat Well, Loose Weight while Breastfeeding

by: Eileen Behan


Milk, Money, and Madness: The Culture and Politics of Breastfeeding

by: Baumslag and Michels


The Stone Age Baby in a Techno Society

 by: Lash, Williams, Andrews, and Crane


Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn

by:  Simkin, Whalley and Keppler

Spiritual Midwifery

by:  Ina May Gaskin

The Nursing Mother's Companion

by: Kathleen Huggins

The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth

by: Henci Goer


The No Cry Sleep Solution

by Elizabeth Pantley


On the Nature of Food Allergy

by Paul J. Hannaway M.D.


Dealing With Food Allergies in Babies and Children

Janice Vickerstaff Joneja Ph.D. RD


Each of the resources below are links that will open a new window and take you to the respective page.



La Leche League Intl.

Breastfeeding USA

Native Mothering

Dr Jack Newman


IE Breastfeeding Coalition

Dr Thomas Hale





Temecula Valley Doulas



Postpartum Health Alliance

Center for Postpartum Health

Postpartum Support Intl


Parenting & more:

Dr. Sears

Dr. Jay Gordon

Attachement Parenting Intl

Mothering Magazine

Peaceful Parenting

Dr Greene


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